Frame25 Productions: You Imagine It, We Create It


From simple corporate informational sites to comprehensive product listings to e-commerce, we are experienced at creating dignified sites which project professionalism and connect you to your customers.



A five-star community bank in business nearly 60 years, Bank @LANTEC contacted Frame25 Productions to modernize their website to attract new online-banking customers and present a more dignified brand at a time of nationwide financial stress. We turned a confusing and inappropriately-casual layout into one that's customer-friendly and confidence-inspiring.

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Venture Bus Tours

Venture Bus Tours

A colorful, visitor-friendly site for a large regional bus-transportation company. Its smooth, modern look is meant to appeal to tourists, sports teams, and those booking group tours for companies and friends. Features dynamic Javascript slideshows, easy-to-navigate layout, and high-quality custom graphics.

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Hampton Roads Publishing Company

Hampton Roads Publishing Company

This site is a dynamic (database-driven) online e-commerce site, designed to appeal to readers and personal-growth devotees. Its main feature is its bookstore, which is integrated with an authors database, book database, email newsletter system, blog, and author events calendar to produce a constantly-updated and flexible site which covers the entire company catalog and invites customer participation.

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Beech Tree Labs

Beech Tree Labs

This is a site for a small medical/biotech firm, which uses a clean, compartmentalized design to seem efficient and scientific. Meant to appeal to company partners, potential investors, and interested members of the public. This site is template-based, and has a simple, consistent interface across all pages. Navigations is designed with clarity and simplicity in mind, featuring dropdown menus and callout boxes.

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Institute for Therapeutic Discovery

The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery

An extremely simple text-based site for a non-profit medical research organization. Sparse layout, small color palette. Meant to appeal to investors and industry partners, this site employs a dynamic navigational menu on the left and printable versions of its pages.

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Dark Forest Press

Dark Forest Press

A minimal site for a very small publisher. Meant to appeal to libraries, independent bookstores, and occasionally readers, this small but distinctive site is an example of an "online business card" to provide a simple online presence for a company with a primarily offline business model.

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Community/Personal Interest

Frame25 Productions can create websites where fans, communities, families, and groups of all kinds can come together and interact. Social networking, community news and bulletin boards, membership sites, and more. Create your own destination online--then administer it and manage it yourself, with full control.



A dynamic (database-driven) community site for parents of twins and multiples. Features regularly updated content, member-contributed articles, photos, and comments, plus discussion forums, user profiles, and other social-interaction features. Fully dynamic and database-driven.

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A dynamic (database-driven) site devoted to the local film and theater community. Features live calendars, user registration, interactive features, unique graphics, and useful popup boxes and tooltips. This constitutes a personal project done as a public service to the local arts community.

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A hip, modern community site for radio-control-racing enthusiasts. Has extensive dynamic (database-driven) features such as news feeds, videos, photos, calendar, and bulletin board, all in a more extreme design style meant to appeal to teenagers and young adults who like technology and racing.

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A personal blog devoted to screenwriting, independent film, travel, and other creative subjects. Meant to appeal to friends, family, and general visitors interested in the subject matter. Built entirely on the WordPress blogging platform, with extensive custom graphics, highly-customized plugin structure, and scripting.

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We understand the needs of creative artists and have designed a variety of sites tailored for writers promoting their books, musicians promoting their music, and other creative artists seeking to connect with their audience.

Ben Franklin's Secret Love

Ben Franklin's Secret Love

An inexpensive WordPress site to promote the novel "Ben Franklin's Secret Love," a whimsical historical novel by an accomplished writer and journalist.

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Luthiel's Song

Luthiel's Song

A genre site with distinctive graphics dedicated to a local author and his fantasy novel Luthiel's Song. Designed to appeal to readers, schools, fantasy-fiction fans, and members of the press seeking background information. Has several fancy scripting features in the "Blog" section, including a photo gallery.

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Thomas Gunn Music

Thomas Gunn Music

A small site with built-in features to grow as big as needed. Designed to a custom template and all actual text content, photos, links, newsletters, and calendar entries are written and managed on the fly by the client. Has an admin interface for him to manage his own site and site content (including the home page, which sometimes has a welcome message and is sometimes nearly blank). Also notable for the custom media player on the right-hand side, written from scratch in Flash.

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